All colors and patterns are possible. The color and pattern of the cat are seen in the pigment of the skin and the few hairs that are present. Sphynx are medium sized cats and not fragile in any way. As with most cats, males are larger than females. Sphynx have sturdy bones, good muscle development and a firm belly as if they just finished a nice dinner. They have a intelligent expression with extra wrinkling on their head which some see as a worried or inquisitive look. Care should be taken to limit the Sphynx cat's exposure to outdoor sunlight, as they can develop sunburn and skin damage similar to that of humans. In general, Sphynx cats should not be allowed outdoors unattended, as they have limited means to conserve body heat when it is cold. One of the most often questions asked about Sphynx is, “Don’t they get cold?” If it is too cold for you, then it will probably be too cold for a hairless cat.
Because of the lack of hair that would normally absorb body oils, Sphynx need regular bathing. A bath is not difficult with Sphynx, as most cats have been acclimated from kittenhood with bathing. Grooming should take place once a week (or every two weeks).
The Sphynx is a true extrovert. It will demand your undivided attention and hates to be ignored. Sphynx cats cannot be left alone for long periods of time, they demand attention and seek human company.