Avoid poisonous plants. Cats chew on grass and plants. Some of our house plants can be irritating (even deadly) to cats. Keeps plants away from your cat. If your cat loves to chew green stuff you can grow your own cat grass.
Keep food off counters and away from your cat. Some cats eat anything!
Unplug electrical cords that are not in use. If your cat likes to chew this could cause a nasty shock. You can put cords in a cord protector box or coat them with a non toxic spray (available at pet stores).
Tie blind cords to avoid your cat getting tangled up. Keep them out of reach, tie them up behind the blinds.
Check the dryer and washer before using them. Cats love hidden spaces where they feel secure. Always keep the dryer door locked and check inside before turning it on. Kittens like to climb on top of refrigerators, freezers and behind drawers, you should check these spaces too.
Remove table cloths unless you're using them. Your cats will try to climb and make a mess of your china or crystal ware. These could all be messy, expensive and could safe you a stressful trip to the doctor (or the vet)
Be extremely careful with medicines. Keep all medicines in a secure cabinet or drawer. Be sure to pick any pill you might drop. Cats' livers are very weak, even a pain killer could be fatal.
Put away breakable objects. Cats love to explore and will jump on table, shelves, knocking down by accident fragile items. You also want to make sure your shelves are secured to the wall and will not fall apart when a cat jumps on them!
Put the lid on your toilet. A very young kitten could fall in and be unable to get out!
Kitty in NY makes sure our caregiver's apartments are cat proof. Your cat will enjoy a safe stay with experienced caregivers who love cats. Contact us with more details about the service you need, we'll be glad to help you.